Nebraska Department of Education

Nebraska Department of Education address is 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509, the main phone number is (402) 471-2295 but you can also use the following phone numbers:

Nebraska Department of Education: (402) 471-2295
State Higher Education Agency, Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education: (402) 471-2847
Special Education Agency, Office of Special Education: (402) 471-2471
State Adult Education Agency, Adult Education: (402) 471-4807
Toll-Free: (877) 327-6433
Toll-Free Restrictions: NE residents only
TTY: (402) 471-2295

Nebraska Department of Education Fax Number: (402) 471-4433

What is Nebraska Department of Education Phone Number?

Nebraska Department of Education phone number to call and speak to a live person for assistance for your Nebraska Department of Education is (402) 471-2295

Nebraska Department of Education Website

Nebraska Department of Education Mailing Address

Below is Nebraska Department of Education address for either sending official mail or visit Nebraska Department of Education offices:

Agency: Nebraska Department of Education
Street: 301 Centennial Mall South
City: Lincoln
State: Nebraska
ZIP Code: 68509

What services and information are provided by Nebraska Department of Education?

Nebraska Department of Education is Nebraska state education authority that provides education related services and information including:

* Teacher’s Certifications.
* Education Data & Statistics.
* Specialized Programs.
* Learning Support.
* Professional Learning.
* Federal Student Aid.
* Student Loans.
* Students Grants & Programs.
* School Disaster and Emergency Management.
* Adult Education.
* Early Childhood Education.
* Elementary and Secondary Education.
* International Education.
* Non-Public Education.
* Education Resources.
* and more.

What is the average Teacher Salary in Nebraska?

The average Teacher Salary in Nebraska is $54,470, based on public data from the years 2018 to 2020.

If you require additional information or assistance in regard to Nebraska Department of Education, we are happy to help you. Please send us your inquirey and we will do the leg work for you, using the comments form below in this page or the contact us page.
Please note that the Nebraska Department of Education phone number provided here a free service, but you might get charged by your mobile phone company depending on your communication contract. This Nebraska Department of Education phone number will connect you to speak with a real person to assist you.

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Teacher
Watch this video 10 things I wish I knew before becoming a teacher was such a great video to do!

1. Teaching is time consuming.
2. Perception is Key.
3. Teachers are also actors.
4. Expect the unexpected .
5. Respect is not given, it’s earned.

Department of Educations website is your free hub for information about Nebraska Department of Education information and all education departments for teachers, educators, parents and students including Nebraska Department of Education. Got new information for this website about Nebraska Department of Education, please let us know and we will publish it once we verify the information for the use of all users. This website does not associated with any of the government authorities.

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