Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction address is 125 South Webster Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7841, the main phone number is (608) 266-3390 but you can also use the following phone numbers:

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: (608) 266-3390
Toll-Free: (800) 441-4563
State Higher Education Agency, Wisconsin Higher Educational Aids Board: (608) 267-2206
Special Education Agency, Special Education Team, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: (608) 266-1781
State Adult Education Agency, Wisconsin Technical College System Office: (608) 266-1207

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Fax Number: (608) 267-2808

What is Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Phone Number?

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction phone number to call and speak to a live person for assistance for your Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is (608) 266-3390

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Website


Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Mailing Address

Below is Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction address for either sending official mail or visit Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction offices:

Agency: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Street: 125 South Webster Street
City: Madison
State: Wisconsin
ZIP Code: 53707-7841

What services and information are provided by Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction?

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is Wisconsin state education authority that provides education related services and information including:

* Teacher’s Certifications.
* Education Data & Statistics.
* Specialized Programs.
* Learning Support.
* Professional Learning.
* Federal Student Aid.
* Student Loans.
* Students Grants & Programs.
* School Disaster and Emergency Management.
* Adult Education.
* Early Childhood Education.
* Elementary and Secondary Education.
* International Education.
* Non-Public Education.
* Education Resources.
* and more.

What is the average Teacher Salary in Wisconsin?

The average Teacher Salary in Wisconsin is $58,277, based on public data from the years 2018 to 2020.

Are you in a need for further assistance or require additional information for Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction? We are happy to do the leg work for you. Please send us your inquiry and what assistance you need by writing in the comments form or the contact us page.
This Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction phone number that we provide here on this website, is part of our free service to users, and you need to be aware that you could be charged for the call by your mobile phone company depending on your communication contract. Once you call this Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction phone number, please listen to the initial message prior to connect you to a live person to get assist from an education department agent.

how to get hired : As a Teacher without a degree in education?
How to get a job as a teacher even if you did not go to school for education!

1. Tips for people looking to work at a charter school.
2. Tips on where to apply for a teaching job.
3. What to do if you are not certified.
4. Interview stills for charter school interview.
5. Tips for teachers interview with no experience .

This special website is your free hub, not associated with any of the government authorities, for information about Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction information and all education departments for teachers, educators, parents and students including Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Got new information for this website about Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, please let us know and we will publish it once we verify the information for the use of all users.

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